Stress is everywhere, and as a massage therapist you could help people feel more relaxed while easing physical pain and ailments from which they may be suffering. Though the exact credentials needed to obtain a massage license vary from state to state, most of them require that you take some massage therapy classes at the very least.

When you decide on becoming a massage therapist, you have the privilege of sharing the gift of relief and relaxation, especially if you take great classes from renowned institutions. These classes are well worth the investment as massage therapists make good money and are expected to be in high demand.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary of a massage therapist in 2012 was $35,970. This means half of the massage therapists earned more than this and the other half earned less. This is a promising wage when you consider that two-thirds of those massage therapists worked part time or by appointment only. Those with salaries in the top 10 percent earned more than $70,140, making the career quite a lucrative one.
The demand for massage therapists in the United States is expected to grow by 23 percent between 2012 and 2022, making this an excellent time to register for massage classes which will put you on a path to a promising new career.
A massage therapy career is expected to have a much higher growth rate than other careers for the same time period. Massage therapists are hired by sports teams, nursing homes and long-term care facilities as well as spas and resorts. Many are happily self-employed, working in their own office or traveling to their client’s homes for massages.
In most states, you will be required to show a minimum of 500 hours of training and education in order to work as a massage therapist. Some, however, require 1,000 hours of training or more. Fortunately, most of the schools that offer excellent massage therapy classes and programs require only a high school diploma for admission.
After graduating from your program, you may be asked to take an exam before receiving your massage license. You’ll also need to have a certain amount of physical dexterity and stamina in order to perform your work well. You’ll also need to refine your communication skills like other medical professionals, so you can put your clients at ease during treatments.
If you’re up for these challenges and ready for a bright career in massage therapy, begin by taking massage classes from institutions like East West College.
Massage Therapists, Bureau of Labor Statistics