To become a massage therapist, you must enroll at a proper school and pass an examination. Later, you’ll have to fill out an application for a massage license. Once you get this, other steps must be taken to keep the license valid.

Key Requirements
There are certain key requirements that you should consider if you want to know how to become a massage therapist. A therapist who specializes in massage treatments must have a high school diploma or a postsecondary certificate. Proper training is also required; a typical student must develop different skills by studying for at least 500 hours. Since a massage therapist works continuously with clients, good decision-making abilities and communication skills are crucial.
Diploma and Certificate Details
During the research phase, select any program that’s recommended by the licensing board in Portland. These classes usually include an extensive amount of clinical and academic lessons. If you want to run your own massage business, choose a program that covers management, advertising, and business finances.
National Examination Details
The Massage and Bodywork Licensing Examination is a reputable test that’s recognized by educational officials in many states. After you’ve completed your massage program, you can easily apply for this exam or another test, such as the Board Certification Exam.
License Details
Following graduation, fill out an application for a massage license. The application process may not be simple because some government officials won’t issue a license to anyone who doesn’t have liability insurance. This is why you must gather information about the rules, policies, and regulations that affect massage therapists in Portland.
Future Requirements
Once you’re licensed, you’ll have to meet specific educational requirement throughout your career. If you took the Board Certification Exam, you must complete a recertification program and show that you have 100 hours of job experience.
Entrepreneur Requirements
Several important things will be needed if you’d like to run a massage business on your own. Depending on the size of your clinic, a single table or multiple tables may be required. If you’re flexible, consider buying a portable table so that you can give massages to clients at residential locations.
In most cases, as your company grows, you can buy additional items, such as business cards and brochures. However, some day, you’ll probably need to buy plenty of sheets, pillows, oils, and lotions.
Massage therapy training courses in Portland are available from reputable institutions like East West College. If you study hard and train, you can start your new career within a year.
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